Planen Sie erfolgreich Ihre Veranstaltung mit den Konferenz-Experten. Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Konzeption, Planung, Vermarktung und Durchführung von Tagungen, Konferenzen und Kongressen.
Für folgende Veranstaltungen sind unsere Conference-Toolbox-Partner für Unternehmen, Veranstalter, Tagungsplaner und Event-Management-Dienstleister im Einsatz:
Kick-Off-Meetings, Fachkonferenzen, Firmenjubiläen, Generalversammlungen, Produktlancierungen, Geschäftsleitungssitzungen, Meetings, Händlerkonferenz, Kadermeetings, Kundenveranstaltungen, Mitarbeiterveranstaltung, Partnerveranstaltung, Produktpräsentationen, Teambuilding, Symposien, Weihnachtsfeiern, Trainings, Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen, Schulungen und Workshops.
Conference-Toolbox: Making Conferences Easy!
The Conference Toolbox: Making Conferences Easy. Stay informed about all the News in the global conference and meeting market. Plan your next event with the Partner of the Conference Toolbox. We are happy to support you. Make your next Event successful.
This is your opportunity for immortality. Given the right identity, your conference becomes a powerful brand.
You are creating a brand – by implementing your ideas, appearance and style of communication, you invite the market to form its own opinion of you. Many brand and marketing specialists preach brand creation. A straightforward concept, clear communications, strong partners and a simple yet professional appearance goes a long way towards forging a clear identity and strategic brand management. Strengthen your brand with a detailed communications plan that focuses on goals, milestones, activities and resources.
Our partner of the Conference-Toolbox are happy to support your BRANDING process. Please contact us via L_moc__xobloot-ecnerefnoc--emoclew.
We support companies, conference planners and event managers in all stages of event organization.