Planen Sie erfolgreich Ihre Veranstaltung mit den Konferenz-Experten. Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Konzeption, Planung, Vermarktung und Durchführung von Tagungen, Konferenzen und Kongressen.
Für folgende Veranstaltungen sind unsere Conference-Toolbox-Partner für Unternehmen, Veranstalter, Tagungsplaner und Event-Management-Dienstleister im Einsatz:
Kick-Off-Meetings, Fachkonferenzen, Firmenjubiläen, Generalversammlungen, Produktlancierungen, Geschäftsleitungssitzungen, Meetings, Händlerkonferenz, Kadermeetings, Kundenveranstaltungen, Mitarbeiterveranstaltung, Partnerveranstaltung, Produktpräsentationen, Teambuilding, Symposien, Weihnachtsfeiern, Trainings, Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen, Schulungen und Workshops.
Conference-Toolbox: Making Conferences Easy!
The Conference Toolbox: Making Conferences Easy. Stay informed about all the News in the global conference and meeting market. Plan your next event with the Partner of the Conference Toolbox. We are happy to support you. Make your next Event successful.
You’ve seen this before: your tech partner frantically demands the presentation of the next speaker in the thick of the proceedings – even though he should already have it. Does this scenario sound familiar? Remember that briefing your tech support team before the event is essential.
It is the stage manager’s responsibility to run through the documentation and schedule with the tech partner prior to the event. The tech check preferably takes place the day before – together with the sound and lighting checks, checking the presentations is hugely important. Are the required aspect ratios (4:3 or 16:9) and colours correct, are the slides correctly labelled with the name of your event?
EXPERT TIP: Your tech support team will often need to be on stage or mix with the guests. Perform a tech check on your tech support: clean shirt, neat hair, dark socks with dark trousers and tattoos covered – check! Demand technical support with style.
Call us for support or ideas +49 (0)30 300 138 00 or send us a mail to L_ed__ecivresecim--ofni
We support companies, conference planners and event managers in all stages of event organization.