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further information


The Conference Toolbox: Making Conferences Easy. Stay informed about all the News in the global conference and meeting market. Plan your next event with the Partner of the Conference Toolbox. We are happy to support you. Make your next Event successful.

Professional Risk Management. Do you have the security concept in place?

Are all permits in order? The necessary insurance policies signed and sealed? The event can take off.

Whether it’s a large conference or an intimate seminar, concert or anniversary function – a great deal of time and money needs to be invested before your event gets off the ground. The financial outlay for staff, stage set-up, advertising and other measures can quickly accumulate.

Things can go wrong, despite perfect planning. What if a projector falls from the ceiling at a large conference because it wasn’t fixed properly? Or technical equipment gets damaged or stolen in transit? Without wishing to tempt fate, mishaps do happen, which makes insuring your event correctly and minimizing risk all the more important.


Ask us about the right insurance partner for you. We know the industry inside out and work with insurance experts to ensure that your event runs smoothly.  

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Conference Plan-O-Meter

We support companies, conference planners and event managers in all stages of event organization.

  • Conception
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • After the event